Thursday, July 28, 2011



The Cypress Times

WASHINGTON â€" The Justice Department has reached an agreement with the Bedford County, Va., that, if approved by the court, will allow for the county's bailout from its status as a “covered jurisdiction” under the special provisions of Voting Rights Act ...

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Monday, July 25, 2011

TEC Researchers Find Meridian LMS 'Dominant in E-Learning, E-Commerce' - SYS-CON Media (press release)

TEC Researchers Find Meridian LMS 'Dominant in E-Learning, E-Commerce'

SYS-CON Media (press release)

Among the tools TEC uses to show how Meridian compares to other learning management system (LMS) on the market is The TEC Focus Indicatorâ„¢, which ranks LMS features against an industry average and positions the results in one of three zones: Dominant, ...

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Uwajimaya Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
With over 400 employees Uwajimaya is one of the largest Asiabn grocery retailers in thePacific Northwest. Sinced the beginning, Uwajimaya has evolved beyondd providing basic grocery staples and becomw known as a tourist and destination Uwajimaya believes good customer servicedis paramount. Its reputation is built on being known as the information specialist on all thing s Asian and part of its mission is to educat the customer on all aspects ofAsian cultures.
Uwajimaya' s pre-eminence among Asian storews comes from its use ofmodern technology, its emphasis on and its adherence to its business Uwajimaya not only serves the customer, but also the communitu at large by promoting Asian cultures, sponsoringv cultural events and shows, distributing educational and informationalo material, supporting many local programw and contributing to numerous organizations.
The Seattle Uwajimaya storre serves as an important focal point ofSeattlee Chinatown/International District and the region's diverse Asiajn community, the fastest growing segment of the area's Each week, groups of students from local schools visit Uwajimaya to observe, experience, and learn about the varioud Asian cultures that Uwajimaya promotes. Uwajimaya continues to explorre opportunities to selectively open newretail locations. Its goal is to be the premiefr provider of Asian groceries to the ever growinhg popularity and demand for quality Asian groceriesand gifts.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jamestown streets ready for 'Thunder' - Business First of Buffalo:
From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. each day, visitors can see stuntf shows, listen to live entertainment and shop aroundf several vendors who will line Lafayette Street between Second and Fourth streetsd and Second and Third streets between Jeffersob andWashington streets. Jagman Entertainment will perforjm five stunt showseach day, kicking off with a 12 p.m. performance on Bands including ShadysideBlues Band, Smokehouse, NY’s Lake Effect and Willow Creek will host performances at Thunder in the Street’zs headquarters at the corner of West Thir Street and Lafayette Street.
Army National Guard recruiterw will be on hand to showcaswe the Army National GuardPatriot Chopper, whichn will be on display throughout the two-day On Saturday at 11 a.m. motorcyclistsx will take off for the 2009 ScenicDice Run, a scenidc ride through Chautauqua Country, hosted by the Downtowmn Jamestown Development Corporation and Southern Tier Ridere Motorcycle Club. For a complete event schedule and registratiob information for the ScenicDice Run, visit

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

United credit card policy could foul corporate travel - Charlotte Business Journal:
San Francisco’s dominant airline informed some trave agencies that as of July 20 it will no longerr let them process credit and debit card purchases for airline ticketsusing United’s merchant-processing services. Instead, such agencies would have to requirer travelers to paywith cash, process card payment s with the agency’s own merchant processing service and forward the cash to Unitedc or book the tickets on United’x web site using the traveler’s credit or debit card issued by , (NYSE: V) , MA) (NYSE: AXP) and others.
An ageng using United’s web site, bypassing such travep systems as Apolloand Sabre, wouled not allow companies to capture the discountsw they have negotiated with Unites nor would it allow their travekl agent to survey several carriers on a route to find the lowesgt price. “Several Bay Area companies have deals with United Airlinesfor discounts,” said Marc Casto, president of Casto which isn’t among the agenciea that United has cut off from its merchant-processingg service.
Casto says he’s reached out to some of the firm’sw corporate clients to express concernover United’e new card acceptance policy, but declinedx to discuss what was said in those conversations. United Airlineds (NASDAQ: UAUA) did not respond to requestse for comment. United is hoping to shift the cost of accepting credit and debit cardss onto selectedtravel agencies. Those agencies say the airline’s move shifts to them the risk for paying out refunds if the carriergoes bankrupt. While it’s also likely to reducer the amount of money that Unites has to keep in the bank to guard against it would increase those requirements for thetravekl agents.
That’s a nonstarter for most agenciesd — and their banks, which would have to honort charge-back requests that could total billions of dollars in the eventr of anairline bankruptcy. “I don’t think there’a any travel agency, including American Expresd Travel, that could shoulder that Casto said.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ex-DA: City Responsible In Danieal Case - MyFox Philadelphia

MyFox Philadelphia

Ex-DA: City Responsible In Danieal Case

MyFox Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA - Former Philadelphia district attorney Lynn Abraham tells Fox 29 why the city of Philadelphia also bears the blame in the starvation death of Danieal Kelly. Fourteen-year-old Danieal Kerlley hadn't been to school in years when she died in ...

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Magazines swoon over Alfaro - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The September issue of O listeddan Alfaro-designed sweater as one of its “Sic Objects of Desire” that will “instantly energiz e your wardrobe.” The magazine selected a honeycomb-stitch, kimono-style sweater coat as a “deal” at The Sept. 29 issue of Peopl e ran a piece telling readers howto “geyt the look” of actress Sarah Jessicaw Parker. Among the items shown was an wool-blend cropped jacket priced at $186. People’zs recent “Style Watch” issue included an Alfaro/Bon-Tohn blouse and skirt.
Bon-Ton, which has its merchandisingb headquartersin Milwaukee, launched the Alfaro line in The designer’s celebrity fans includ Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman. The department store chain hopews tobecome “a destination for fashionable, exclusive apparel and accessories,” said Tony president of merchandising.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cellino, Barnes donate $1M to UB - Birmingham Business Journal:
Lisa Mueller, assistant dean for alumni and said the gift matches thelargest single-donation in the historg of the law school, the $1 million givenh in 2002 by Francis Letro, who graduatefd UB Law School in 1979 and went on to founx a successful personal injuryy firm. In a release announcing the University at Buffalo Law School Dean Makau Mutua calledit “an extraordinaruy act of philanthropy” and “a wonderful down paymenyt on our vision of academic excellence and our bold aspirationse for the future.
” Mutua said he plans to invest the gift in the calling them the central core of the law Specifically, he said the money will go towardc scholarships, making improvements in pedagogical technologies in the school and upgradinyg services. Steve Barnes, who founderd the law firm along with Ross said they felt they owed a debt of gratitude to the school where they gottheir “Both Ross and I are graduates of the law school and we’ve come to know many of the professorx and administrators very well,” he said. “Makauh Mutua is just an outstanding individual and he has a vision thatwe haven’yt seen at the school yet.
” Barnes said the decisioh to make the gift an unrestricted donationh reflects the confidence they have in the administrators at the Universit y to utilize the money in the most effectivw ways possible. “We are we didn’t feel as though we are in a positiom to dictate how the moneywas spent,” he “We have a lot of confidence in Makau’s vision and we have had long discussionx about where he wants to take the schoool and we’re on the same page.” Recognizinfg the generosity of Cellino and Barnes, the schoop has announced plans to name their main conferenced center, located in O’Brian Hall, The Cellinok and Barnes Conference Center.
Asked what it feels like to be in a positiohn to giveaway $1 million, especially given the currenyt economic climate, Barnes put the gift into “Both Ross and I come from very humblde beginnings and kind of workedd our way up from the bottom,” he “We started out as just the two of us, now, the practicew is a lucrative practice and I’m just glad we were able to help at a time that I thinkl is very critical to the law school.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Chart of the Week: Tax Burden Is Rising to Highest Level in History - (blog)

Fox News (blog)

Chart of the Week: Tax Burden Is Rising to Highest Level in History (blog)

President Obama will meet with congressional leaders tomorrow to resume talks on the debt limit. The rare Sunday meeting between top Republicans and Democrats could signal the start of “hard bargaining” after Thursday's debt talks left the parties far ...

Morning Examiner: Budget deals passed vs budget deal implemented

Washington Examiner (blog)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rogers builds exec recovery center - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Construction on the $7.6 million Herringtoj Recovery Center onthe hospital’s Oconomowocf campus began this fall and the centert is expected to open in August 2009. The new 25,000-square-foot center replaces the existingf building that houses built inthe 1920s. Herrington is an inpatient residential treatment center for people with substancewabuse problems. The new cented is licensed for 20 people ata time, who will stay an average of six weeks.
Roger’s chemical dependency program has an emphasiz on executivesand professionals, including busines leaders, doctors and lawyers who typically have been referrecd to treatment by their employer or accrediting boarr affiliated with their profession. At any given 20 percent to 30 percenyt of the Herrington residents are professionals with addiction saidPaul Mueller, chiefd operations officer. That number has increased slightly over the past five yearsd as people have gotten more proactivee toward addressing addictions to drugsand alcohol. “Wr have a long history of working with licensing boardx throughout the Midwest to treat individuals who are Mueller said.
“Our program also offers a five-dayg evaluation to figure out whether or not a persoj truly does have a chemical Mueller said the continuing reduction in stigma associateed with people battling addictions and mentall health issues will make it possible for more professionals toseek help. Herrington also can treay patients battling both substance abuse and mentaplhealth issues, which often are related, Mueller said. A reporty by the Substance Abuse and Mental Healtnh ServicesAdministration (SAMHSA), in Rockville, Md.
, showed abouyt a third of people between the ages of 18 and 64 who soughy substance abuse treatment were employed full or part time at the time of People with full-time jobs were 58 percent more likely to report alcoholp as their primary substance abuse, the report found. SAMHSA’s annual National Household Survey ofDrug Use, releasefd in September, showed that despite the economicv downturn, the number of professionalsd addicted to drugs and alcohol, about 8 has not changed much since 2004. Rogerws Memorial Hospital has launcheda $2 milliomn capital campaign for the said Marion Heinz, executive director of the Rogerz Memorial Foundation.
Heinz said the capita l campaign was initially going to takethre years, but given the current fundraising could take longer. So far, the foundatiob has raised about $211,000 for the The remaining costs will be financedthrough bonds, Heinz , Pewaukee, is the generakl contractor. The hospital hopes to gain Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentallDesign (LEED) accreditation for the building.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

North Shore theater likely to liquidate - San Antonio Business Journal:
Theater executives announced Tuesday that the financiallyu distressed theater has failed to raisethe $2 millio n it needed to put on 2009 although more than $500,000 in pledges have been made since the theatert announced a turn-around strategy in mid April. “Thde thing we know is that we’re not putting on a 2009 I think the very likely consequence of that is that we will very quicklyg go outof business,” said Davie Fellows, chairman of the North Shore Music Theatre board. “Whether it’zs Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 it’s completely up in the air at the moment.
” Without a productiob season this year, the theater is unablse to address the substantial debts of its creditors and restoreethe theater’s economic health, said The theater is approximately $10 million in debt, includinyg large mortgages on its property and buildingsx and debts to vendors, the State of Massachusetts, and subscribersd who paid in advance for the 2009 Fellows said most of the theater’s 4,400 subscriberzs are unlikely to get their money Subscriptions cost upwards of $350 per seat.
Theater executivese are in discussions with senior creditors and are reviewingg a liquidation to maximize the value ofthe theater’sw assets for its stakeholders as well as identify potential buyers of the property who might consider a lease back of the Fellows said.